Thursday, May 20, 2010


So I really suck at blogging. But I blog really good in my head, I swear. It’s just a matter of getting it out so I can save it and look back at my random moments/memories/thoughts. I was thinking about doing some sort of theme to my blog... originally was “the adventures of janyan” because of my travelling but that’s pretty limited now since my Europe trip pretty much ate my bank.

However, it dawned on me recently that I want to blog about my lovely hometown Seattle. I lovelovelove this city with all my heart and don’t see myself living elsewhere. But in August I shall be moving to “paradise” for Nursing school.

Thus my attempt to revive my blog is to theme it up with this: iLEFTmyHEARTinSEATTLE. This shall be my tribute to my birthplace and also a promise to return to this city I call home =)

Folks, prepare to be bored out of your mind by my limited vocabulary…this blog is only the beginning ^_~

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