Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 2: 7.22.09


This morning I awoke in a sweat to the sound of a baby crying. the sweat because the sun had already come out for the day and the attic room I slept in got pretty hot. The sound of the baby crying was because of the daycare run downstairs by ms. Tran. This morning as I was getting ready i was followed by a little 1 and 2 year old both who only understand Vietnamese but are so adorable!!! I pretty much won them over by playing peek a boo.. works every time =) Then I met Russell from the Pixar movie up... his real name is Brandon though but I keep calling him Russell hehe.

Something that kind of sucks is that after talking to my mom this morning I found out my bag form Matt and Nat arrived yesterday after I left so I coudn't take it to Cali with me. Also, my old passport was returned and arrived in the mail yesterday as well which my dad opened up. Not that him opening it is going to affect anything but it just really bothers me that he opened my mail... grr. Anyhoos, back to Cali.

For lunch I had carne asada fries with a friend who spontaneously moved down to san Diego after graduation last year. Then we just hung out at his apt in La Jolla and played guitar and watched some British show about cars which I found pretty entertaining despite the fact that I don't know much about cars. I ended up taking a nap on his couch while he slept in his room and his roommate's friend slept on the other couch. It was pretty much a lazy day since it was kind of hot. Today was hotter than what I expected but at least it was bearable. Just that all the carbs and heat made us all sleepy. After waking up we went to Ralph’s (aka Safeway but nicer) and got soft serve ice cream at Golden Spoon which is like those "froyo" places but less healthy since its not yogurt its soft serve.

When I got back to the Tran house in Mission Valley I found Russell just chillin outside eating his dinner while leaning against a car in front the house. I asked him why he was eating outside by himself and he tells me that its because he sees himself as an outdoors type of guy. Too cute! I hope I can pinch his cheeks before I leave =) He's a peculiar little guy. Lorrie (who I last saw as a toddler and is now 13) and Kelly scolded him for wearing short shorts and a tank top but he defended himself saying that she wears short shorts lol. but you're a boy she tells him and all he can say is well its hot. Hahah I could just listen to him talk all day.

It wasn't an action-packed day but this is what being on vacation is all about right? Tomorrow we got a big day lined up for Valencia’s Six Flags. =) Hopefully I’ll be able to sleep earlier today than last night...

Note to self: I can probably only handle 1/4 a to-go box of carne asada fries since half a box plus a soft serve ice cream is all I needed to keep my tummy full for the whole day.

DESTINATION CA: San Diego & San Francisco

DAY 1: 7.21.09


I'm currently sitting in seatac airport with a really nice view of the runway. My plane will be boarding in approximately t minus 30 minutes to SFO where I will have a 2 hour layover before arriving to my destination san diego aka carne asada fries land.

This will be my very first travel blog which I'm hoping will prep me for my trip to Europe. I figured this is the best way for me to remember my trips which have been increasing while depleting my monies. I could never get myself to scrapbook since scrapbooking takes too much dedication and time. Blogging is like journaling for lazy people like me. =)

I'm hoping that the tools i brought will be sufficient in my attempt to travel blog: laptop, charger, USB cord, flash drive and homemade cases for all my goods. Aside from blogging I also bought a super cute herringbone luggage lined in bright pink which is officially my own first luggage. I think I'm even more psyched to travel since I can roll around the airport in style hahah.

I guess I'll just start with a list since I love lists:


  • carne asada fries in SD
  • sushi in SD
  • gelato in SD
  • creme brulee in SF
  • brunch at tangerine in SF
Something I'm really looking forward to is the weather in California. Not because it will be hotter but because it will be cooler than my hometown. Apparently the whole week, Seattle will be blazing around 85-90 degrees F whereas I'll be cruising around San Diego and San Francisco in 75 degree weather. Isn't that loverly?

Anyways, more updates to come but this will be it for now...
note to self: don't consume lactose products before flying