Friday, October 1, 2010

happy october!

it took me a lot longer than i thought to update this blog.. i had some entries ready to post and now i have no idea where the files went! anyways, back to square one...


the past few weeks have been crazy busy for me as i've been settling down and figuring out a schedule that works for both me and my roomie. we kind of have it down except instead of being super productive on our late days, we end up sleeping in haha. we do everything together and it helps with our homesickness. she's pretty awesome.. if it wasn't for her i wouldn't have the confidence to start running and learn stick shift! also, she's a HUGE help when it comes to getting around the island. people tell me 'oh it's an island you can't get lost' well i'm pretty sure i've proved them wrong 10xs.

we haven't done much island-y stuff since school and running has taken up a majority of our time. we did, however, get a glimpse of oktoberfest in chinatown last weekend (only in hawaii would the festival be in chinatown! haha). most of our adventures are at home such as cooking, killing critters, and doing laundry/dishes. sometimes we have a few starbucks adventures like crack sightings! we've been going to starbucks for internet a lot since our neighbor put a password to their wireless acct... no more free wifi at home =(

one notable adventure is the can contest we saw at pearlridge mall! i thought it was pretty amazing how they made these sculptures out of canned goods... although we've been kinda busy we have been able to chill at the beach a few times last month. i'm hoping we'll have more lazy beach days to come since our schedule is beginning to fall into a routine. my favorite beach will always be lani kai which is a lil further down from kailua beach park.. it's a little less crowded, the water is clear, and the sand is super soft. however, ko'olina lagoon comes a close second place and probably a lot safer place to swim for a newbie like me.


'kawaii' means cute in japanese.. and this word is definitely written all over hawaii!

i also added my friend's doggie to my sightings mainly because he has a heart-shaped spot on the side of his body!! SOOO adorable!
there's a starbucks in pearl city where some customer always makes different kinds of balloon animals and sets up shop at the starbucks. it's pretty cool how talented she is.. she's actually a vet too!

of course, sanrio cafe in pearlridge mall had to make it to the cute corner and this random panda mailbox that belongs to a restaurant somewhere in town. haha i wish i could have a panda mailbox! of course we would only see this in hawaii.. i haven't seen this many cute stuff in washington >__<


of course since it's friday i have to post my aloha friday rainbows. here's a collection of some rainbows i've seen since the last post... and also some local grinds =)