Saturday, September 4, 2010


i'm here!! no longer in my lovely hometown of seattle but my new "home" in oahu. so far since the move to paradise, the theme word for me has been sickness. =( yes, why complain if i'm in hawaiiiii? let me sum up thy sickly ways:

cold sick:
this is most likely from the lack of sleep due to my last minute packing (highly do NOT recommend this...) combined with contaminated airplane air. ive spent the last few lonely nights acccompanied by some cold virus. but i think the ramen + tropical juice blends are just the remedy i needed to overcome this battle

home sick:
i came home in hawaii to an empty condo since one of my roomies is still at home (her home is my home: seattle ^__^) and the other is roaming the US for various assigned jobs. i can't say that i wasn't phased by my mom's breaking voice over the phone- hearing her sound so sad made me cry each time the first few days. i think the tears are all gone now though.

i also heard from my mom that one of my grandpas (he's my great-uncle by american lineage but in filipino lineage a grandpa is a grandpa no matter how far related!) passed away the day i left. =( my heart remains in seattle with the family. i also uploaded my very first youtube video in memory/honor of him: please watch! it is my last memory of him when i visited him in june. he was 96 then yet he was still singing and smiling.

i know when im feeling homesick the best thing to do is surround yourself with friends... well all my hawaii friends are all so busy so i havent seen much of them either =( hopefully when school starts ill be much more occupied with studies that i won't feel too homesick. also, on tuesday my seattle roomie returns, yay!

grossed out sick:
one thing i did not look forward to when arriving on the island was running into critters. mainly cockroaches *shudder*. i actually found one today and had to spray the life out of it with raid... i also had to discard the basket that it was living in because i swear last time i was here in May, i saw another cockroach in the same basket. im pretty sure it's not the same cockroach btw bc i screamed bloody murder that time and made my sister's bf kill it. anyways.. im still recovering from this mornings cockroach incident. i hate cockroaches 10x more than spiders.

ive also spotted random little black ants wandering and kill them with my finger.. mainly bc i dont want to lose sight of them if i step away. just so you little local critters know, NO ONE escapes me. i do not want any of these 'friends' to multiply..

anyways, thats the end of my sickly roundup. tomorrow i shall venture out into the real world and drive to windward side to get my student ID =) maybe monday i shall update on my cleaning craze and how everythings coming along. but for now, enjoy these pictures of some stuff ive been eating lately:

my very first homecooked meal in hawaii:
french toast with a bit of almond butter & maple syrup + a side of peaches...
and water and airborne to cure the cold!

korean bbq @ ykele bbq:
where i ended up bc i got lost going home hahah.
a mini kalbi plate with side of long rice + a side of mac salad

aaand here's my aloha friday picture of the week. if you look *really* closely there's a rainbow =)

it is now time for me to sleep and let these bleach trays work their magic for my student ID picture tomorrow. good night world!